Privacy Agreement

1、 Introduction

This privacy agreement aims to clearly state how we collect, use, and protect your personal information. Our application software (hereinafter referred to as "the application") provides functions such as measuring heart rate, recording blood pressure, reminding to drink water, and recording steps. We attach great importance to and respect your privacy rights during your use of the application.

2、 Information collection

User Personal Information: In order to provide better service, we may collect basic information such as your name and contact information. These pieces of information are usually voluntarily provided when you register an account, contact customer service, or participate in certain activities.

Health data: The application will collect your health data such as heart rate, blood pressure, and step count. These data are obtained through measurement tools within the application or connections with other health devices. We only use this data for providing services, optimizing product features, and conducting health analysis.

Device information: In order to optimize the performance and compatibility of the application, we may collect device information such as your device model, operating system version, network status, etc.

3、 Information usage

Service provision: We use the collected information to provide the core functions of the application, such as heart rate measurement, blood pressure recording, water reminder, and step count recording.

Product optimization: We will analyze the collected information to understand user habits and needs, in order to optimize the functionality and interface of the application.

Health analysis: Based on your health data, we may provide health analysis reports or recommendations to help you better manage your health status.

Push notifications: We may use your contact information to send you notifications or reminders related to the application.

4、 Information protection

Secure Storage: We use encryption technology and other security measures to protect your personal information, ensuring that it is not accessed, used, or leaked without authorization.

Access restrictions: We restrict the access of employees to your personal information, ensuring that only necessary employees can process this information.

Data backup: We will regularly backup your information to prevent data loss or damage.

5、 Information disclosure

We will not disclose your personal information to any third party unless the following conditions are met:

You have explicitly agreed or authorized us to disclose information.

According to laws and regulations, or when courts or regulatory agencies require us to provide relevant information.

6、 Protection of minors

If you are under the age of 18, please obtain the consent of your parent or legal guardian before registering and using the app. We will take reasonable measures to protect the personal information security of minors.

7、 Application of Law and Dispute Resolution

The interpretation, enforcement, and dispute resolution of this privacy agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. Any disputes related to this agreement shall be first resolved through friendly consultation between the two parties; If negotiation fails, either party has the right to file a lawsuit with the people's court with jurisdiction.

8、 Agreement Change and Effectiveness

We have the right to modify the content of this privacy agreement as needed and make it public within the application. Your continued use of the application will be deemed acceptance of the revised privacy agreement. This privacy agreement shall take effect from the date of your consent and remain in effect until you cease to use the application and delete your account.

9、 Other

The headings in this privacy agreement are for convenience only and do not have legal effect.

The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision in this Privacy Agreement shall not affect the validity of other provisions.

The interpretation right of this privacy agreement belongs to us. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact our customer service department.